Miki Howard - Ain't Nobody Like You (Music Video)

The Quiet Storm music video of Miki Howard song Ain't Nobody Like You
Classic photo of a young Miki Howard

If this isn't the ultimate Quiet Storm groove, I don't know what is...

Released in 1992, this great song was written & very tastily produced by LeMel Humes for Cassandra Mills urban division on Irving Azoff's former Warner imprint named Giant Records.

Turn up the volume knob, because Miki Howard delivered what is a timeless classic that vibrates the air like a quiet storm. This song can spin on repeat for hours into days, maintaining it's full inspiration as a song with endless romance.

Miki Howard - Ain't Nobody Like You

Connect direct with Miki Howard at MikiHowardMedia.com and Twitter.Com/MikiHowardLive

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