Sly Johnson - I'm Calling You

TheQuietStorm.Com presents Sly Johnson

Here is one of those ultimate Quiet Storm songs by the artist Sly Johnson out of France, who is not to be confused with another great and similarly named Syl Johnson. We learned about Sly by way of Ayo, who has been featured on our sister sites MusicTelevision.Com and MusicLoad many times. The very sweet backing and lead female vocals on this song titled I'm Calling You are Ayo's. Enjoy!

Sly Johnson - I'm Calling You

And, here is one more of Sly Johnson in another collaboration, live in concert. Sly acts as a human beat box with a sound that hints of early Al Jarreau as he scats, in this very funky jazz jam session.

Erik Truffaz & Sly Johnson feat Philippe Garcia

Connect direct with Sly Johnson at

Connect direct with Ayo at,, and

Connect direct with Erik Truffaz at ErikTruffaz.Com

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